These women's sneakers are suitable for a job interview

These women's sneakers are suitable for a job interview

By Anne

You’re about to go for a job interview and you are thinking about the best shoes to wear. Perhaps you feel obliged to put on a pair of dressy shoes. However, did you know that sneakers are also suitable in many cases? In this blog we will discuss what sneakers to wear to a job interview in most cases, so make sure to read on.

Applying for a job on sneakers

When it comes to fashion, women’s sneakers have become a staple for casual looks. But when it comes to a job interview, you might be wondering if it’s appropriate to wear sneakers. After all, you want to make a good first impression and you don’t want to risk jeopardizing your chances of getting the job just because of your choice of footwear.

Some find it not done to apply for a job on sneakers. That's a shame, because you really can wear sneakers to some job interviews. Of course, there are many companies and positions where this is not the case so the good news is that wearing sneakers to a job interview is possible, as long as you choose the right pair and style them properly. There are plenty of possibilities, for example if it fits the company culture. You simply want to make sure to check out the following guidelines:

1. If it fits the company culture

In some cases, it fits the company culture to wear sneakers. Is it a smaller company or do you feel there is no clear hierarchy? In that case, it's a good idea to dress casually and down to earth. That means choosing a pair of sneakers, for example, instead of a pair of pumps or other neat shoes.

2. You feel comfortable wearing them

Do you feel comfortable wearing sneakers? In that case it is a good idea to wear them to your job interview. That way you don't have to pretend to be someone you are not, which helps to make a good impression. This can definitely increase your chances of getting the job.

3. There are neat sneakers available

Of course, you can choose from all kinds of sneakers. It is wise to choose neat sneakers that are suitable for a job application. For example, choose a material like suede or nubuck. You'll then create a more dressy look, making women's sneakers for job applications a good choice in some cases. You also want to make sure that your sneakers are clean and well-maintained. Make sure that they are free of any scuffs or stains, and that the laces are tied in a neat and tidy way.

4. Others at the table wear them too

At many companies, recruiters or others also just wear sneakers. In fact, it's a good sign if you have them on too, because it means you can immediately fit in with the rest of the team. However, make sure that your shoes stay very clean so that you make a good impression while applying for a job.

In conclusion, wearing sneakers to a job interview is possible as long as you choose the right pair and style them properly. Make sure that your sneakers are comfortable, clean, and in-line with the formality of the rest of your outfit. With these tips, you can make sure that your sneakers make a good impression and help you get the job.

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