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Unfortunately, we are unable to provide you with updates regarding the status of your order. This is because we are not the party responsible for processing and shipping an order; the webshop where you ordered your items is.
Dressed.com is a search engine and comparison website for shoes. This means that we compile the products from a large selection of reliable online shops into one easy to navigate overview. When you want to buy an item, you are referred to the webshop which offers the item. We ourselves do not have any articles in stock, so we are not in possession of your order and customer data.
Would you like to know more about the status of your order? For example, because you did not receive an email from the shop about the receipt of your order? For more information, please contact the webshop from which you ordered the item. They can best help you further. This is because they are in possession of the correct order and customer data. We do not have the possibility to access this information.
Once your order has been received you will receive a confirmation email from the webshop. When the order is actually shipped, you will receive another email from the webshop. Here you will usually find the corresponding Track & Trace code for the shipment. With this code you can keep an eye on the delivery of your package. You can follow the package from the moment it is registered for shipment until it is delivered to your home. Did you not receive this email for whatever reason? Ask the shop where you placed your order for more information.