What to do about smelly soccer shoes?

What to do about smelly soccer shoes?

By Anne

If you're a soccer player, you're probably familiar with the unpleasant odor that can emanate from your soccer shoes. This odor is caused by bacteria that thrive in the warm and moist environment inside the shoes. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to prevent or eliminate this problem. In this blog post, we'll discuss why soccer shoes smell and offer five tips for keeping them fresh.

Why do soccer shoes smell?

Soccer shoes smell because of the bacteria that live in them. These bacteria thrive in warm, moist environments, which is exactly what you get when you wear these sneakers for an extended period. Your feet sweat while you're playing soccer, and that sweat gets absorbed by your shoes. If you don't let your shoes dry out completely between uses, the bacteria will continue to multiply, leading to that unpleasant odor.

What to do: five tips

Below, we'll share five tips which you can follow to clear the smell from your soccer shoes.

Tip 1: Air them out

One of the easiest things you can do to prevent smelly soccer shoes is to let them air out after each use. As soon as you take off your shoes, remove the insoles and loosen the laces to allow air to circulate inside the shoes. If possible, place your shoes in a well-ventilated area to dry completely. Avoid storing your shoes in a closed gym bag or other enclosed space.

Tip 2: Use newspaper or silica gel packets

Another way to help your shoes dry out is to stuff them with crumpled newspaper or silica gel packets. These materials will absorb the moisture inside the shoes, helping to prevent the growth of bacteria. Leave the newspaper or silica gel packets in your shoes overnight, and remove them before you wear your shoes again.

Tip 3: Wash the insoles

The insoles of your soccer shoes can become a breeding ground for bacteria. To keep them fresh, remove them from your shoes and wash them with soap and water. Allow them to air dry completely before putting them back in your shoes.

Tip 4: Clean the shoes

Regularly cleaning your soccer shoes can help prevent odors from developing. Use a soft-bristled brush to remove any dirt or debris from the shoes, and then wipe them down with a damp cloth. If your shoes are particularly dirty, you can use a mild detergent to clean them. Be sure to rinse them thoroughly and let them air dry completely before wearing them again.

Tip 5: Use odor-eliminating products

There are many products available that are designed to eliminate odors in shoes. You can use shoe deodorizers, which are small pouches or balls filled with odor-absorbing materials, or spray a specialized odor-eliminating spray directly into your shoes. Some people also swear by using tea bags, charcoal, or baking soda to absorb odors.


Smelly soccer shoes can be a frustrating problem for soccer players, but there are several things you can do to keep your shoes fresh. By following these five tips, you can prevent the growth of bacteria and eliminate unpleasant odors. Remember to air out your shoes, use newspaper or silica gel packets, wash the insoles, clean the shoes, and use odor-eliminating products. With these simple steps, you can keep your soccer shoes smelling fresh and clean for every game. Looking for new soccer shoes? ADressed.com we've got you covered!

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