How to sanitize shoes?

How to sanitize shoes?

By Roy / 07-28-2023

While we pay attention to keeping our clothes clean, it's equally essential to sanitize our shoes. Our footwear can accumulate bacteria, viruses, and fungi from various environments, posing potential health risks. Therefore, it's crucial to prioritize cleanliness and sanitation for our shoes. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into effective methods to sanitize your shoes, ensuring they remain free from harmful microorganisms and promoting a hygienic environment for your feet.

1. Start with a Clean Base

Before sanitizing your shoes, it's important to start with a clean base. Whether you're going to clean a pair of sneakers, boots or loafers: begin by removing loose dirt and debris by gently knocking the soles together outside. Use a dry brush to further eliminate any remaining dust or dirt. If your shoes are machine-washable, you can opt for a gentle cycle in the washing machine, following the specific instructions provided by the manufacturer. This thorough cleaning process ensures that any surface contaminants are removed, setting the stage for effective sanitization.

2. Remove and Clean Insoles

For shoes with removable insoles, it's advisable to remove them before proceeding. These insoles can be cleaned separately using a mild detergent, followed by air-drying to ensure proper hygiene. If an unpleasant odor lingers, sprinkle baking soda on the insoles before washing. Allow the baking soda to sit for a few hours to absorb odors, then rinse or brush off the powder before washing. This additional step helps neutralize any lingering smells and keeps your insoles fresh and odor-free.

3. Use a Disinfectant Spray

To effectively sanitize the interior of your shoes, opt for a disinfectant spray that is specifically formulated for fabric use. Look for sprays that explicitly mention their ability to kill 99.9% of bacteria and viruses. Thoroughly spray the interior of the shoes, ensuring good coverage, and allow them to dry completely. It's always wise to perform a patch test on a small, inconspicuous area beforehand to ensure that the spray does not cause any discoloration or damage to your shoes. Prioritizing these precautions will help ensure both effective sanitization and the preservation of your shoes' appearance.

4. Consider UV Light

UV light devices provide an effective method for sanitizing shoes, especially when targeting fungal spores that may contribute to conditions like athlete's foot. These compact UV shoe sanitizers are designed to be inserted into the shoes, utilizing UV-C light to kill bacteria and fungi. It's important to carefully follow the manufacturer's instructions when using these devices to ensure proper and safe usage. UV sanitizers offer an additional layer of protection, helping to maintain a hygienic environment within your shoes.

5. Use Rubbing Alcohol or Hand Sanitizer

For sanitizing the exterior of your shoes, rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer can be effective options. These products have properties that help eliminate various types of bacteria and viruses. Apply a small amount to a cloth and gently wipe down the surfaces of your shoes. However, exercise caution and avoid using these products on materials such as leather or suede, as they can potentially cause damage or discoloration. For these delicate materials, it's best to consult the manufacturer's guidelines or use specialized cleaning products designed specifically for them.

6. Machine Washing

Indeed, various types of shoes, including running shoes and canvas shoes, are often machine-washable. To ensure optimal results, remove the laces and insoles if possible. Next, place the shoes in a mesh laundry bag or pillowcase to protect them and prevent any damage to your washing machine. Opt for a gentle cycle with warm water and a mild detergent specifically designed for delicate fabrics. After washing, it's important to allow the shoes to air dry naturally. Avoid using direct heat sources, as they can potentially warp or damage the shoe's materials. By following these steps, you can effectively clean your shoes in the washing machine, maintaining their cleanliness and freshness.

7. Keep Them Dry

Damp shoes can be a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi. Always let your shoes dry completely before wearing them again. You can stuff them with newspaper or use a commercial shoe dryer to speed up the process. Avoid placing them directly in the sun or near a heater, as this can warp the shape and fade the color.Conclusion

Keeping your shoes sanitized is an important step in overall hygiene. It can protect you from bacterial and fungal infections and extend the lifespan of your shoes. Remember, prevention is key – try to keep your shoes as clean as possible, and make sure to dry them out thoroughly if they get wet. With these steps, you can keep your shoes clean, fresh, and ready for whatever the day brings your way.

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