How to remove smell from running shoes?

How to remove smell from running shoes?

By Anne / 07-24-2023

Running shoes can take quite a beating, and with regular use, they can develop a less-than-pleasant odor. This smell is caused by bacteria that thrive in the moist, warm environment inside your shoes. Luckily, with a bit of care and some simple at-home remedies, you can keep your shoes fresh and prolong their lifespan. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to remove smell from your running shoes.

1. Start with Prevention

Prevention is the first step in the battle against smelly running shoes. After your run, take off your shoes and remove the insoles to let them dry out. Moisture is a breeding ground for bacteria, so keeping your shoes dry can prevent odors from developing in the first place. 

In addition to drying out your shoes and insoles, there are several other preventive measures you can take to combat smelly shoes. Regularly washing and changing your socks helps minimize moisture accumulation. Using odor-absorbing inserts or sachets, such as activated charcoal or baking soda, can also help neutralize unpleasant odors. Additionally, allowing your shoes to fully air out in a well-ventilated area and avoiding storing them in enclosed spaces can further deter bacterial growth and keep your shoes smelling fresh.

2. Wash Them Properly

Just like with sneakers, it's important to follow proper care instructions with your running shoes to maintain their quality. After removing the insoles and laces, you can hand wash them using a gentle brush and mild detergent. Alternatively, you can place them in a mesh laundry bag to protect them during machine washing on a delicate or gentle cycle. Remember to avoid using bleach or harsh chemicals that could damage the shoes.

Once washed, allow your shoes to air dry naturally at room temperature. Avoid exposing them to direct sunlight or using heat sources like dryers, as these can warp or degrade the shoe's materials. Taking these precautions will help extend the lifespan of your running shoes and keep them in optimal condition for your next run.

3. Use Baking Soda

In addition to its deodorizing properties, baking soda can also help absorb moisture from your shoes. By sprinkling a generous amount of baking soda inside your shoes and allowing it to sit overnight, you not only eliminate odors but also reduce the risk of bacterial growth. The baking soda effectively absorbs moisture and neutralizes odors, leaving your shoes smelling fresh. Before wearing them again, make sure to tap out any excess baking soda to ensure a comfortable fit..

4. Freeze Your Shoes

Freezing your shoes may sound unusual, but it's an effective method to combat bacteria and odors. Placing your shoes in a plastic bag and leaving them in the freezer overnight can kill the bacteria responsible for the unpleasant smell. Afterward, ensure you let them thaw and dry completely at room temperature to prevent any moisture buildup. This simple technique can help freshen up your shoes and extend their usability.

5. Try a Vinegar Solution

Creating a cleaning solution with equal parts white vinegar and water is an effective way to eliminate odors and combat bacteria in your shoes. Spray the mixture generously inside your shoes and allow them to air dry thoroughly. The antibacterial properties of vinegar will help kill odor-causing bacteria and leave your shoes smelling fresh. While the initial smell of vinegar may be strong, rest assured that it will dissipate completely as the shoes dry, leaving no trace behind. This natural and inexpensive method is a great way to maintain clean and odor-free shoes.

6. Use Shoe Deodorizers or Odor-Eliminating Sprays

In addition to homemade remedies, there are numerous specialized products available to tackle shoe odor. These include odor-neutralizing sprays, deodorizer balls, or pouches designed to be placed inside shoes when not in use. These products are often formulated to absorb moisture and neutralize odors, providing a convenient and effective solution. If home remedies don't yield the desired results, exploring these commercially available options can be a worthwhile choice to keep your shoes smelling fresh and pleasant.

7. Replace the Insoles

If persistent shoe odor persists despite various attempts to combat it, replacing the insoles may be the solution. Insoles tend to absorb sweat, accumulating bacteria and causing unpleasant smells over time. Luckily, many running shoes feature removable insoles, allowing you to easily swap them out with fresh, odor-resistant alternatives. This simple step can significantly refresh your shoes and help keep them odor-free in the long run.


Taking care of your running shoes and keeping them free from odor is essential for both comfort and longevity. By following the preventive measures outlined in this comprehensive guide, such as drying them out after use and using odor-absorbing inserts, you can proactively combat smelly shoes. In addition, proper washing techniques, the use of baking soda, freezing your shoes, trying a vinegar solution and utilizing specialized shoe deodorizers or sprays offer effective solutions.

If all else fails, replacing the insoles can make a significant difference. With these tips and remedies, you can maintain fresh, odor-free running shoes, ensuring a pleasant and enjoyable running experience.

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