How to clean suede sneakers

How to clean suede sneakers

By Simon / 04-29-2023

Suede sneakers are a popular fashion item that can add a touch of sophistication to any outfit. However, due to the delicate nature of suede, it's essential to take good care of them to maintain their appearance and longevity. By following the tips outlined in this article, you'll be able to keep your suede sneakers looking their best and enjoy wearing them for years to come. Whether you're a fashion enthusiast or just looking to extend the life of your favorite pair of suede sneakers, these cleaning tips will help you achieve that goal. 

1. Use a Suede Brush

The first step in cleaning your suede sneakers is to use a suede brush. A suede brush is a special brush designed to gently remove dirt and stains from suede without damaging the material. Start by brushing your sneakers in one direction, using short strokes. Be gentle, and don't apply too much pressure. This will help to remove any loose dirt or debris from the surface of the suede.

2. Use a Suede Eraser

If there are any stubborn stains on your suede sneakers, you can use a suede eraser to remove them. A suede eraser is a special tool designed to remove stains and marks from suede without damaging the material. Simply rub the eraser gently over the stain, using circular motions. Be sure to work in a small area at a time, and be careful not to rub too hard, as this can damage the suede.

3. Use a Suede Cleaner

If your suede sneakers are particularly dirty or stained, you can use a suede cleaner to remove the dirt and restore the material to its original condition. There are many suede cleaners available on the market, and it's important to choose one that is specifically designed for suede. Follow the instructions on the cleaner carefully, and be sure to test it on a small, inconspicuous area of your sneakers before using it on the entire shoe.

4. Protect Your Suede Sneakers

Once you've cleaned your suede sneakers, it's important to protect them from future stains and damage. You can do this by applying a suede protector spray. A suede protector spray creates a protective barrier on the surface of the suede, which helps to repel dirt and water. Simply spray the protector evenly over the surface of the suede, and allow it to dry completely before wearing your sneakers.

5. Avoid Water

Water can be very damaging to suede, so it's important to avoid getting your suede sneakers wet. If your sneakers do get wet, you should allow them to dry naturally, away from direct sunlight or heat. Never use a hairdryer or other heat source to dry your suede sneakers, as this can cause the material to shrink or warp.

6. Store Your Suede Sneakers Properly

When you're not wearing your suede sneakers, it's important to store them properly to avoid damage. Keep them in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight or heat. Avoid storing them in a plastic bag or container, as this can cause the material to become damp and moldy. Instead, store your suede sneakers in a cloth bag or box to protect them from dust and dirt.

In conclusion, cleaning suede sneakers requires special care and attention, but it's worth the effort to keep them looking great. Use a suede brush to remove dirt and debris, a suede eraser to remove stains, and a suede cleaner to restore the material to its original condition. Protect your suede sneakers from future damage by applying a suede protector spray, and avoid getting them wet. Store your suede sneakers properly to keep them looking great for years to come.

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