How to clean shoes made from mixed materials?

How to clean shoes made from mixed materials?

By Ferhat / 09-25-2023

Do your favorite shoes consist of multiple materials? It's incredibly stylish but also requires extra maintenance. Each material needs different care, both preventatively and when stains occur. We'll explain how to perfectly maintain your mixed-material shoes.

In this article you will read about:

  • Impregnation spray
  • Various materials
  • Different cleaning techniques for different shoes
    • Brush the suede
    • Clean the canvas
    • Nourish the leather

Impregnation spray

Of course, you should protect your shoes with an impregnation spray. This prevents moisture and dirt from penetrating the materials. Instead, you're safeguarding your shoes to keep them looking new and beautiful for a longer time. However, this doesn't eliminate the need for regular maintenance. And if the shoes are made from a mix of materials? Then you'll have to evaluate and treat each material separately.

Various materials

Protecting your shoes is not complicated. Impregnation sprays are available for various materials. Often, two or three types of sprays can protect all materials. Therefore, look closely at what materials your shoes are made from. Then order the appropriate protective spray, along with the cleaning supplies you'll need for maintenance.

You can clean your shoes in two ways: either preventatively or reactively. Preventative cleaning means regularly cleaning your shoes, even when they don't have any stains. Clean them every time you wear them, or once a week or month, depending on your schedule. If stains appear or the shoes get wet, clean them reactively. Remove the stain or dry them carefully, perhaps by stuffing them with newspaper.

Different cleaning techniques for different shoes

Cleaning mixed-material shoes requires extra effort. Each material needs a different approach. Did you know, for example, that suede should be brushed? And that canvas can be wiped clean? Leather, on the other hand, needs to be nourished. We'll explain how to properly clean and maintain a mix of materials for long-lasting, beautiful shoes.

1.      Brush the suede

You can clean and maintain suede with a special brush. It's a suede brush that gently treats the material. Suede is very delicate, so you don't want to handle it too roughly. With the special brush, you can align the fibers correctly while removing dirt. Use a small brush to treat only the suede parts to avoid accidentally touching the other materials. Here is our step-by-step guide to cleaning suede shoes.

2.      Clean the canvas

Do the shoes have sections of canvas or mesh? These materials are generally easy to clean. Start with a brush or a dry cloth to remove dirt. If you've applied a protective spray earlier, this should be fairly straightforward. If you can't get the dirt off, try a little water and a clean cloth. Test this first on an inconspicuous area to avoid spreading the stain or discoloring the material.

3.      Nourish the leather

If the mixed-material shoes include leather, keep in mind that moisture is detrimental to leather. Use a dry cloth to clean this part. Over time, it's essential to nourish the leather. Do this when the shoes are about six months to a year old to keep the leather supple as a beautiful part of the material mix.


To clean shoes with mixed materials, focus on cleaning each material separately. The same goes for the protective sprays you use; you'll often need a few different cans. With extra attention to the materials, you'll keep your shoes looking beautiful for longer.

Ordering new shoes from one of the more than 100 online stores we partner with? Pay close attention to the materials and clean them properly with the appropriate cleaning supplies. This will keep your shoes in top condition for as long as possible.

If you want to clean your older shoes read these blogs: