How to maintain your shoes?

How to maintain your shoes?

By Ferhat / 08-31-2023

Want to keep your shoes in good condition? The maintenance process varies depending on the material of the shoes. If you want to keep your shoes looking good for a long time, make sure to clean them regularly. Doing so will prevent unnecessary wear and tear. We’ve researched how you can best maintain different types of shoes.

Shoes will inevitably wear out over time, especially if you walk in them. However, proper maintenance can significantly extend the lifespan of your new shoes. Shoe soles can be replaced over time and the upper part of the shoe generally won't wear out if well-maintained. Maintenance usually starts with regular cleaning.

Why is maintenance important?

Maintaining your shoes is crucial, much like a car you’d like to keep running smoothly. Cars have moving parts that wear out quickly. For shoes, it's usually the sole that wears down, along with other components requiring special care. Otherwise, leather may dry out, boots could lose their shape, and other problems might arise.

You usually don't need much to maintain your shoes properly. Most importantly, it doesn't have to take a lot of your time. We've specially looked for tips that are quick and easy, so shoe maintenance remains fun for everyone.

Top 5 tips for shoe maintenance

We’ve talked to over 100 online shoe stores with whom we collaborate. They have tips from various brands and materials, helping you understand what’s needed to maintain your shoes. We’ve gathered these into five practical pieces of advice you can start using tomorrow.

1.      Use a shoe horn

Shoes endure a lot of stress when you put them on, particularly at the back. The heel area can easily deform, which is regrettable. This is especially true for formal and lace-up shoes, as well as loafers. Thankfully, a shoe horn can help you slide your foot in while protecting the shoe.

2.      Store with shoe trees

When storing your shoes, use shoe trees to maintain the shape of the upper. Shoe trees fit well in the front of the shoe and are meant to keep the shoe’s shape, particularly if they're made from materials that can't stand up by themselves. Place the back of the shoe tree against the inner part of the heel to ensure it stays in place.

3.      Keep boots in shape

Do you wear boots? To keep them looking good, prevent the top from folding over. This is especially a problem with long boots, as they often aren't sturdy enough to stand up on their own. A crease in the material can develop, and for leather boots, this could even lead to fraying or cracking. It's worth maintaining them well ahead of this happening.

4.      Treat leather

Consider using beeswax for leather maintenance. It’s a natural product that protects and nourishes the leather, preventing it from drying out over time. This is important whether you store your shoes or wear them frequently, exposing them to various weather conditions.

5.      Remove dry dirt

Finally, for all types of shoes it’s important to regularly remove dry dirt. A quick brush will do the trick and prevents the dirt from penetrating the material. This is particularly crucial for suede and velvet.

Buying and properly maintaining shoes

Looking to buy new shoes and maintain them well? Use the above tips and also read on how you can prevent wear and tear on your shoes.