7 Tips on how to keep your washed clothes smelling fresh

7 Tips on how to keep your washed clothes smelling fresh

By Nicole

When you put your clothes in the washing machine, you do this expecting you will have fresh clothes to wear afterwars. You then put your clothes in the closet with the intention of keeping them clean. The problem is that it doesn't just have to look clean, you also want it to smell clean. But what if you literally just washed your clothes and they still don't smell clean? What steps can you take to ensure your clothes always smell fresh? We'd like to get you started with 7 helpful tips that you can apply to your clothes before and after washing.

Tip 1: Make sure your clothes are really dry before you put them away

When clothes are crammed into a wardrobe they don't get the chance to breathe and thus dry further. It also creates an environment where bacteria can develop and spread. This can cause unpleasant odours. Make sure that if you notice that your clothes are not completely dry yet, you first hang them on a clothesline or hanger outside the wardrobe.

Tip 2: Always wash your clothes inside out and on time

As we said earlier, when your clothes smell, it's a good idea to wash them as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more time you give the bacteria to multiply. More bacteria equals more smell. So throw the items in the machine as soon as possible! When you do this, make sure you turn the clothes inside out first. This way, the washing machine gets the best chance to effectively wash out any bad smells.

Tip 3: Buy an odour neutralising detergent

Sometimes, unpleasant smells only become noticeable when the washed clothes are ironed or worn. Every laundry detergent is developed with the intention of making your laundry smell good. In practice, each type of detergent perform differently from one another. For example, you can get laundry detergent that has been specially developed to remove unpleasant odours from sports clothing. These work by removing dirt and odours from deep within the fibre, so that nothing is left behind. The odour molecules are effectively eliminated, so to speak. This way, unpleasant odours do not stand a chance and you are guaranteed to have fresh-smelling clothes out of the wash every time!

Tip 4: Use the right dose of detergent and softener.

Using too much or too little detergent can result in unpleasant smells. When you use too little detergent, not enough bacteria are killed. Too much detergent results in too much suds, which bacteria can get stuck on. This can also happen when you add too much fabric softener. So, follow the instructions in the booklet of your washing machine. If that amount proves to be too much, you could measure the right amount in a measuring cup. You can use a marker to draw a line where the detergent goes. This way, you will use the right amount every time.

Tip 5: Add a dryer sheet to the tumble dryer

If you use the tumble dryer a lot, it can make your clothes smell less fresh. We understand that the dryer is an indispensable part of your life. It is not always practical to hang your laundry outside of summer. Drying your laundry inside at home with the use of drying racks is also not exactly ideal. They take up a lot of space. In addition, you are limited in the amount of laundry you can wash at one time. If there is no room for freshly washed laundry on the drying rack you’ll run into a problem. Having a bunch of wet clothes and nowhere to put them will probably cause you to use the tumble dryer anyways or hanging your clothes to dry all over the house. As we said earlier, you can't wait for space to clear up on the drying rack while having new, wet laundry waiting. Wet laundry will start to stink within no-time if it can’t start drying right away.

So, how would you keep using the dryer the way you do now? Well, there is a solution. In fact, it has been around almost as long as the invention of the tumble dryer itself. So what is it? You’ve read it in the title of this paragraph: we’re talking about dryer sheets. These wipes are specially designed to keep your clothes fresh after they have been dried. Not only do they give your clothes a fresh scent. They also help to fight static electricity and keep clothes smooth. It also makes your clothes nice and soft.

Tip 6: Maintain your washing machine properly

A clean wash starts with a clean washing machine. Therefore, look up the instruction booklet of your washing machine and read it carefully. It will tell you exactly what maintenance your washing machine needs, how you should carry it out and often the frequency required. You can find more important information and tips about washing machine maintenance and causes of bad smells here.

Tip 7: Wear sports clothes when working out!

Instead of using one of your regular t-shirts, buy some real sportswear. Not only are they specially designed to reduce sweating, they are also made to wash out sweat more easily. This is because when choosing the material for sportswear, consideration is given to the fact that the wearer will sweat. In the case of normal clothing, this is generally not taken into account as a factor that needs to be seriously considered.

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