Tips to keep your swimwear looking good

Tips to keep your swimwear looking good

By Anne / 06-14-2023

Swimwear is more than just a piece of clothing. It's the smell of the sea, the feel of the sun on your skin, and the sound of waves crashing. Unfortunately, swimwear is also often exposed to elements like sun, salt, chlorine, and sunscreen, which can deteriorate the fabric over time. Here's a helpful guide to ensuring your favorite swimsuits stay vibrant and fitting perfectly, summer after summer.

Guide to maintain your swimwear

By following the tips below, you'll surely expand the lifespan of your swimwear!

Rinse Immediately After Use

First things first, always rinse your swimwear after use. Saltwater, chlorine, sunscreen, and sweat can damage the elasticity of your suit, leading to sagging. To prevent this, rinse your swimsuit in cold water as soon as you can after wearing it. This rinse won't completely clean your suit, but it's a good first step in removing potentially damaging substances.

Hand Wash Only

When it comes to cleaning your swimwear, the washing machine is not your friend. The agitation and heat from a washing machine can damage the delicate fibers of your swimsuit. Instead, hand wash your swimwear in a basin or sink filled with cool water and a small amount of mild, bleach-free detergent. Gently massage the soap into the fabric and then let it soak for about 15-30 minutes.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals and Hot Water

Hot water and harsh detergents or chemicals can wreak havoc on your swimwear, causing fading and loss of elasticity. Always use cool or lukewarm water to wash your swimwear and opt for mild detergents. Also, never use bleach on your swimwear. If you need to remove stains, do so gently with a fabric-friendly stain remover.

Never Wring Out Your Swimwear

While it might be tempting to wring out your swimsuit to remove excess water, resist the urge! Wringing can damage the fibers and stretch out your suit. Instead, after rinsing your swimwear, lay it flat on a clean, dry towel. Roll the towel up with the swimsuit inside it and gently press to remove excess water. Then, unroll the towel and leave your swimsuit to air dry.

Air Dry Away from Direct Sunlight

Direct sunlight can fade the colors of your swimsuit and break down the fibers in the fabric. When drying your swimwear, avoid hanging it in direct sunlight. Instead, choose a shaded, well-ventilated area. Also, avoid hanging your swimwear to dry as this can stretch it out. Instead, lay it flat to maintain its shape.

Rotate Your Swimwear

Just like you wouldn't wear the same underwear two days in a row, don't wear the same swimsuit two days in a row. Swimsuit fabric needs at least 24 hours to snap back to its usual position, so wearing it two days in a row could cause it to stretch out. Plus, having a few different swimsuits to rotate through means they'll all last longer.

Store Properly

When you're not wearing your swimwear, be sure to store it properly. Make sure it's completely dry before putting it away to prevent mildew and unpleasant odors. Also, avoid folding it in a way that could crease the fabric. Instead, lay it flat in a drawer or hang it up.

Careful with Sunscreen

While sunscreen is essential for protecting your skin, it can be damaging to swimwear. Try to apply sunscreen at least 15-30 minutes before putting on your swimsuit to give it time to absorb into your skin. If you need to reapply during the day, do your best to avoid getting sunscreen on your swimsuit. Certain sunscreens can stain or discolor the fabric, especially mineral-based ones.

Avoid Rough Surfaces

Poolside lounging and beach picnics may seem like a perfect idea, but rough surfaces can be your swimwear's worst enemy. The friction caused by sitting or laying on rough surfaces can cause pilling and even tears. If you must sit, lay down a towel first to protect your swimsuit.

Invest in Quality Swimwear

Finally, consider investing in quality swimwear. While it may be more expensive, high-quality swimwear is often made with better materials that can withstand the damaging effects of sun, salt, and chlorine longer than cheaper alternatives. Look for swimwear that promises UV resistance, quick-drying properties, and colorfastness.


Swimwear might not be the most expensive item in your wardrobe, but it certainly requires some of the most careful handling. With these tips, you can extend the life of your swimwear and keep it looking as good as new. Remember, a well-cared-for swimsuit not only looks better but also provides the support and fit you need to feel comfortable and confident. So give your swimwear the love it deserves, and it'll love you back with many seasons of style and service.

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